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FREE Crayon Roll Tutorial

I love an easy sewing project. Don't you? This project is perfect for a person who is brand new to sewing. Even kids can make this crayon roll! I have always thought these were perfect for toting on an outing where I needed my kids to be entertained quietly. Just throw the crayon roll and some notebooks or coloring books into a bag, and you're on your way! This would be the perfect accessory to fit inside one of Nana's Insulated Totes, turning it into an activity tote to keep little hands occupied.

Supplies needed:
  • 3 felt squares--you will have leftovers
  • ribbon, bias tape, or elastic for your closure
  • crayons (markers can be used too, but you will need to adjust the cutting dimensions for them to fit)

Cutting instructions:
  • cut 2 felt squares 5" by 12"
  • cut the third felt square 3" by 12"
  • cut 2 strips of ribbon (or bias tape or elastic) into 8-10 inch pieces
Before starting, apply fray check to the edges of your ribbon (or other closure) to prevent them from fraying.

Layer your pieces in the following order: stack the 5" x 12" pieces on top of each other and on top of that place the 3" x 12" piece. Place your ribbon (or other closure) between the 5" x 12" pieces on the right hand side of the long rectangles. If your ribbon has a print on it, make sure you place the print right sides together.
Using the edge of your presser foot as a guide, stitch all the way around the edges. The nice thing about felt is that it won't fray, so no need to finish the edges.
Using a ruler and a straight edge, make a mark every inch. It's wise to use a marking tool that erases easily with a bit of water or that is air soluble. You want to avoid pressing high heat on the felt because it may melt. You should always test your marking tool on a scrap of fabric before using it on your project.

Sew on each of these lines that you made starting at the bottom and working towards the top. Back stitch several times at the top edge of each line so that when you insert the crayons, the stitches don't come out.
 Insert your crayons, roll it up, and you are ready to go!

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