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Christian Filmmakers Academy--A Rose Academy Review

Online Christian Filmmakers Academy {Family Gravity Media}
Family Gravity Media, a division of Families For Christ Ministries, Inc. has graciously allowed me to access their Online Christian Filmmakers Academy. I was at first interested in this course because my sixth grade son has really shown an interest in making videos for his YouTube channel. I really thought that maybe this course would provide him some extra information without it just being me always giving suggestions.
There are 5 modules plus an introduction in the entire course. Each module contains lessons on video. The lessons range in length so each day I basically had my son watch one video lesson. If the lesson was less than 5 minutes then I encouraged him to watch a second lesson. The student can definitely work at his or her own pace. Here is a list of the modules and what some of the lessons include:
  • Module 1: The Camera is all about lenses, camera types, tripods, shutter speed, etc. There are 6 lessons and one quiz in this module.
  • Module 2: Cinematography discusses different types of lighting, lighting accessories, indoor and outdoor light, etc. There are 10 lessons in this module. 
  • Module 3: Sound teaches students about sound equipment, microphones, and more. There are 6 lessons in this module.
  • Module 4: Pre-Production focuses on what needs to be done before the actual video is produced--the basic story, writing the screenplay, paperwork, and assembling the team is all explained. There are 5 lessons in this module.
  • Module 5: Production shows how to be successful with a film by discussing set etiquette, directing, and step-by-step filming. There are 6 lessons in this module.
I really feel like the information contained in this course is excellent and very thorough! Of course one could search around on the internet and find resources and books that would explain much of this information, but it is much more convenient for it all to be located in one place AND in video format. My son responds well to information learned through video. He enjoys learning on the computer and has been able to have several impressive conversations about video making with me. I have on occasion been surprised with the amount of information that he has learned through this course. I think in the near future he will want to make a small film. In the mean time you can check out what he has already worked on at his YouTube channel: GoldenArrow 1920. He has a lot to learn, but he is pretty proud of the work he has already done with just his iPad and some editing software. I am sure as time goes on he will progress and acquire more equipment.

This course discusses using a DSLR camera. We do own one of these types of cameras so it has been very interesting to learn about some of the different capabilities of it. The information in the course would allow a beginner to easily set up equipment and begin recording.

One other little impressive tid-bit about this course. There is ability for the student to interact with the information. The student can comment on the video and other students can respond. My son was tickled to receive a reply directly from the company! This is a course that we will definitely refer to again and again.

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